Established in 2001, The college strives to impart qualitative technical education through innovative teaching methodologies. The college strives to establish itself as a world class education center for teaching, learning, research & training, with modern facilities and vast expanded landscape. The college campus provides perfect ambience for higher learning. HITS is an inspiring institute with the sate of the art facilities for students to meet the requirements of the industry.
Diploma Courses
Polytechnic Civil Engineering 60 Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60UG Courses
B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 120 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 60 Data Science 60 Internet of Things 60 Software Engineering 60 Electronics & Communications Engineering 120 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 60 Mechanical Engineering 60 Civil Engineering 60PG Courses
M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 30 Embedded Systems 30 VLSI Design 30 Power Electronics 30 CAD / CAM 30 Electrical Power Systems 30 Machine Design 30 Computer Networks & Information Security 18 Highway Engineering30 MBA 60