Freshers Celebrations 2018
November 3, 2018
January 11, 2019Dr. Roy Johnson (Sc-G, ARCI) has inaugurated National Seminar on “EMERGING TRENDS OF NANOCOMPOSITES & NANOTECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS HITS IN ASSOCIATION. On November, 14, 2018. Speaking on this occasion he said it’s a big platform to learn lot of things like Nano composite Nano technology. brief introduction to nano technology in terms of medical and automobile applications. In the field of meditation now it’s possible to get solutions for any big health issues by using nano techniques for example like cancer, nano techniques now a days has great replica towards the automobiles which soon be in future would give more efficient performance and also cost efficient with respect to fuels which is been used in it for example the bio fuels.
Dr. Bhaskar Prasad Saha(Sc-F, ARCI) has said that it is The ability to see nano-sized materials has opened up a world of possibilities in a variety of industries and scientific endeavors. Because nanotechnology is essentially a set of techniques that allow manipulation of properties at a very small scale, it can have many applications, such as the ones listed below.
Drug delivery. Today, most harmful side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy are a result of drug delivery methods that don’t pinpoint their intended target cells accurately.
Fabrics. The properties of familiar materials are being changed by manufacturers who are adding nano-sized components to conventional materials to improve performance. For example, some clothing manufacturers are making water and stain repellent clothing using nano-sized
Molecular Manufacturing. If you’re a Star Trek fan, you remember the replicator, a device that could produce anything from a space age guitar to a cup of Earl Grey tea. Your favorite character just programmed the replicator, and whatever he or she wanted appeared. Researchers are working on developing a method called molecular manufacturing that may someday make the Star Trek replicator a reality. And many more.
Dr.B.S.REDDAPPA (HOD MECHANICAL) has said that it is, Improvement of knowledge in terms of mobile, televisions, radio etc.
Classification of metals: – solid, liquid and gases
Importance of composite materials, Nano composite applications and importance, he has shared his view over the trends of Nano techniques in routine life and how the future would be with affectionate of technologies pertaining to nano.
Dr. Murali Mohan,(DEAN Academics HITS) has said that, Main focus is to fill the gap between industries and students, knowledge didn’t has any boundaries or limits, its could be shared with others unknowing to any background which may give benefits for self development as well as the future basis.
Dr.P.BHASKAR REDDY (PRINCIPAL/DIRECTOR) HITS has said that first seminar received by DST in HITS. DRDO is having 200 cores of projects in nano composite area. All materials are exhausting, we have to find the alternatives and use it accordingly, and there can be substitutes of materialistic which would take the place of the existence of whom we were losing the required capacities as per our needs.
Dr. E. Daniel Francis, (Prof HITS), has said that nano materials should be prepared at present in according to medical field. Important of light weight materials. In the field of meditation now is longer that there won’t be any hospitals or any more health base agencies, and to which the place would be taken by the techniques like nano