- About the RTCWRE 2017
- About HITS
- About Civil Department
- Call for Papers
- Committees
- Registration
- Paper Submission
- Venue
Water Resource Engineering is a specific branch of Civil Engineering that involves the design of new systems and equipments that helps in managing human water resources. Water Resources Engineering is the quantitative study of the hydrologic cycle distribution and circulation of water linking the earth's atmosphere, land and oceans. Surface runoff is measured as the difference between precipitation and abstractions, such as infiltration (which replenishes groundwater flow), surface storage and evaporation. Water Resources Engineering has its roots in the tasks of supplying water for human use, removing water when humans are finished using it, and developing methods of avoiding damage from excess water (floods).
The lakes in the Hyderabad are often referred to as Sagar which means sea. The Hussain Sagar lake, built in 1562, is located at the heart of the city. The Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar are two artificial lakes created as a result of dams on Musi River. The Hyderabad houses 140 large and small size lakes in and around its neighborhood and As of 1996, there are 834 water tanks of below the size of 10 hectare More than 75 per cent of the rainfall is received during the south-west monsoon season from June to September, July being the month when it rains. September is the month, when there are rains. The south-west monsoon sets in by the 7th of June. Its advent is sudden and the rainfall increases from less than 5 per cent (of the annual) in May to 15 per cent in June.
The organizers of the conference, therefore, considered it prudent to organize a conference on themes related to recent trends in Civil Engineering and Water Resources Engineering. The main objective of the conference is to manage water resources properly.
PublicationThe presented papers for the conference will be published in reputed and cited journals. Best Paper Awards
The best papers will be awarded based on novelty of research, reviewer’s comments, presentation etc. during the conference. • One Best Paper Award from all papers presented in the conference • One Young Scientist Award from the conference based on overall performance.
Holy Mary Institute of Technology & Science was established in the year 2001 by the Holy Trinity Educational Society at Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), and R.R Dist. It is promoted by the well known Educationalists and Philanthropists Sri. Arimanda Vara Prasad Reddy Hon. Chairman, Smt A.Vijaya Sarada Reddy, Hon. Secretary and Sri A Siddartha Reddy, Hon. Vice Chairman. Dr.N.Subhash chandra is our Principal. Each department has 4 Doctorates. The college has well equipped laboratories, library, fully furnished class rooms, staff rooms, dedicated faculty and other facilities like, English language Lab, and Internet lab with leased line of high capacity. An exclusive office by name International Students cell (ISC) is created to deal with the admissions & guidance of international students. Holy Mary is partnered with (International Accreditation Council of Quality Education and Research) IACQER, an organization that encourages in R&D activities.
The college is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, and Accredited by NAAC in 2015 and is permanently affiliated to JNT University, Hyderabad. Today HITS has grown in leaps and bounds and it is no wonder that HITS has become cynosure of the eyes of many, hankering for the distinguished center of technological learning.
The Department of Civil Engineering at Holy Mary Institute of Technology & Science was established in the year 2011. B. Tech (CIVIL) Program was duly approved by the AICTE and Government of Telangana and affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. Our objective is to create employable and entrepreneurial engineers with academic excellence, positive attitude, communication & interpersonal skills, good character, self-confidence and leadership qualities and who are useful to the Family, Society and Nation. Also it is aimed for continuous development of faculty personality.
Our vision is to build a young Technocrats by imparting their technical knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering, this lay the foundation in shaping the future to meet the demands of industry and community. Our mission is to provide a knowledge base of emerging technologies in all the areas of civil engineering, Continuously improve upon academic and systems and creating an atmosphere conducive to learning in order to maximize the number of students securing University Ranks and Higher studies, To contribute for the society by producing qualitative civil engineering graduates and also by conducting service oriented training and development programmes.
It is designed to bring together practitioners and researchers alike, including field engineers, academicians, planners, health specialists, disaster managers, decision makers and policy makers engaged in various aspects of water resources. It provides a unique opportunity for these various specialists to come at one platform.
Interested authors are requested to submit full-length papers, not exceeding 10 pages on A-4 size paper as per the relevant theme/themes of the conference and in the prescribed format, to rtcwre2017@hmgi.ac.in , by 30th June 2017. The acceptance of the papers by electronic mail will be communicated to the author/authors by 15th July, 2017.(manvendrasinghchowhan@hmgi .ac.in) the authors and delegates are requested to send papers and other correspondence through e-mail only. Authors can submit the papers not limited to below listed themes.
Structural Engineering
- Alternative and sustainable materials for construction
- Smart materials and its applications
- Analysis and design of structures using softwares
- Analysis of durability of high performance concrete using artificial neural networks
- Analysis of seismic wave and their response in buildings
- Corrosion control of underwater piles
- Earthquake resistant building construction
Transportation Engineering
- Advanced Pavement Design
- Automated Highway Systems
- Traffic Monitoring System
- Highway & Their Maintenance
- Intelligent Transport System
- Development Of Robotic Bridge
- Evaluation Of Highway Materials And Design Performance
Infrastructural Engineering
- Project management in Civil Engineering
- Remote sensing and GIS Technology for Water /Resource Management
- Innovative Construction Material
- Green Concrete Construction
- Application of Nanotechnology in civil Engineering
- Other Innovative Papers in Civil Engineering
- o Application of GIS data in ground water data determination
Geotechnical Engineering
- Biological considerations in geotechnical engineering
- Diaphragm wall
- Plastic as a soil stabilizer
- Soil liquefaction
- Soil nailing
- Utilization of red mud in civil engineering
Water Resources Planning and Management
- Watershed Management & Interlinking of rivers
- Water harvesting and groundwater recharge
- Flood Forecasting and Mitigation
- River hydrodynamics morphology
- River Ganga valley and basin management
- Conflicts arising over water
- Policy, governance and implementation.
- Planning of Ground water development
Climate Change and Global Warming
- Impact of climate change on water resources/Ground water
- Ecosystem health of river Ganga and its tributaries
- Climate change and global warming : impact on Ganga basin
- Hydrological impacts of climate change
- Environmental aspects of hydropower
- Environment clearance from the government
Hydraulic Structures
- Fluvial hydraulics
- Sedimentation Management
- Small Dam/High Dam/Weir/Barrage/Cross Drainage works
- Downstream issues- Scour, Erosion etc
- Dam break problem
- Coastal and offshore structures
- Ports and Harbors
Hydropower Engineering
- Fluvial hydraulics
- Sedimentation Management
- Micro/Small Hydropower, Ultra-Low Head / hydro-kinetic Technology Development
- Cumulative Environment Impact Assessment of hydropower project
- Community Participation in Development
- Pumped storage and integration with Renewable Energy
- Reservoir Operation
Delegates : Rs. 4000/- Contributing authors : Rs. 3000/- Students : Rs. 1500/- Accompanying Person : Rs. 2000/-
The Registration Fee provides for the Conference Proceedings, Registration kit, working lunches and tea/coffee during two days of conference. Prospective participants are requested to fill Registration form which is available on conference website and mail (official website) the same along with the Registration Fee to the convener. Registration fee can be paid by D.D/direct transfer/net banking only. The payment can be made in by Demand Draft in favour of “HOLY TRINITY EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY” payble at Keesara, Hyderabad, Telangana, Please write Conference Name, your Name on backside of DD and send to convener address.
Interested authors are requested to submit full-length papers, not exceeding 10 pages on A-4 size paper as per the relevant theme/themes of the conference and in the prescribed format, to rtcwre2017@hmgi.ac.in , by 30th June 2017. The acceptance of the papers by electronic mail will be communicated to the author/authors by 15th July, 2016.(manvendrasinghchowhan@ hmgi.ac.in) the authors and delegates are requested to send papers and other correspondence through e-mail only.
Best Paper Awards The best papers will be awarded based on novelty of research, reviewer’s comments, presentation etc. during the conference. • One Best Paper Award from all papers presented in the conference • One Young Scientist Award from the conference based on overall performance.
Holy Mary Institute of technology and science Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal. District, Hyderabad Telangana, India- 501301

Convener (RTCWRE-2017)
Department of Civil Engineering,
Holy Mary Institute of technology and science
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), R.R.District, Hyderabad
Telangana, India- 501301
Email: rtcwre2017@hmgi.ac.in
Phone: +91-9695930040, +91-9415666858
Important Dates
Last date for Submission of Abstract : 31st May 2017Last date for Submission of Full Paper : 30 June 2017
Intimation Regarding Acceptance of Papers : 15th July 2017
Conference Dates : 10th& 11th August 2017
Account Details
IFSC Code: SBIN0020639
Demand Draft in favour of “HOLY TRINITY EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY” payble at Keesara, Hyderabad, Telangana.