The definition of the PEOs is to be provided. The process employed to define as well as validate the PEOs in association with all stakeholders of the program needs to be articulated.
PEO 1: To prepare the students for entry into successful employment as Electronics & Communication engineers in service, consulting, and/or government organizations or for advanced study at leading graduate schools in engineering, business, management, or other technical or non-technical fields.
PEO 2: To inculcate teamwork skills among the students to design and implement complex Electronics & Communication systems, particularly the ability to work with people from other fields in integrated engineering teams and develop the leadership skills for maximizing the performance of those teams.
PEO 3: To offer a curriculum that encourages students to become broadly educated engineers and to equip with the attitudes and skills to foster learning themselves for life long, an ability to communicate effectively with various audiences and function as responsible member of the global society.