PEO 1: Engineering ethos: To provide the knowledge of Computer Science Engineering concepts and equip students with the proficiency of mathematical foundations along algorithmic principles to solve competent problems.
PEO 2: Ethics & Attitudes: To sensitize students towards social and economical commitments to allocate professional ethics of moral community services in order to protect the environment.
PEO 3: Leadership: To give expose the students emerging technologies, and give adequate training by providing opportunities to work as a team on multidisciplinary projects with effective communication skills and leader ship qualities.
PEO 4: Engagement: To promote life-long Self-Learning abilities to make the students remain professionally effective in the society.
PEO 5: Versatility & Diversity: To build up skills to analyze the requirements of the computer science and Engineering to understand the technical specification to take-up a successful career in the companies and establish startups